The team behind "Hogwarts Legacy" at Portkey Games confirmed this detail in an interview with IGN, a popular gaming news website: She informs player-characters that her classmates took some time to realize she "was actually a witch, not a wizard." The player-character interacts with her while on a mission with a goblin named Lodgok, who is her friend. Players are introduced in the game to Sirona Ryan, the proprietor of Three Broomsticks pub in Hogsmeade village. 10, 2023, on some gaming consoles and with a wider release in April, the open-world, role-playing game is set in Rowling's Wizarding World of more than a 100 years ago. Rowling is generating controversy over its inclusion of a trans character, particularly due to accusations of transphobia against Rowling. A new video game stemming from the fictional world of the "Harry Potter" book series by J.K.